Jessie & Christie

Jessie & Christie, Lesbian Love Story ❤️

Meet Jessie and Christie, the first in our series of Lesbian Love Stories! Discover their perfectly imperfect story, including the stalking, the magical marriage proposal, and their family that has grown immensely over the years!

Names & Pronouns

Christie Marie Kerby * she/her
Jessie Lynn Kerby * she/her

How long have you been together?

7 years together * 3 years married

Where do you live?

Shawnee Ohio

What work do you do?

Christie * Firefighter/Paramedic
Jessie * Addiction and Recovery Nurse, LPN * Professional Photographer

How did you meet?

We met over 20 years ago (but Christie does not remember that meeting) but I stalked her until I finally had the nerve to slide In her DM’s. We also made a very memorable eye contact experience while we were both in school for our careers (Christie does not remember that either). The look and *head nod* is when the alleged stalking began, on Myspace. When I messaged Christie for the first time, many years later, I asked her if she remembered me (from the possible 2 different occasions) and she said she seen me at Walmart once. (Ha) that will always be an inside joke that she fell in love with a random Walmart shopper.

What stories do you love to tell people about each other?

How Christie married her stalker.

How she said she was shaking so bad because of *all the bees* when she was planning to propose to me. Which I was so shocked I actually responded with *are you really doing this* and walked away crying as she was left on one knee.

Also like to share how talking for only 8 days created a connection so strong it was inevitable that we were meant to be.

After being married for only a year we received a call that we were suggested to be mommies for a little boy in need of a home and 6 weeks later he was our new addition and now a year has gone by and he is our son.

What’s on your playlist?

We both enjoy music. Not just any certain genre but anything that hits our soul.

We go from Pink Floyd to Prince, Michael Jackson, 80s rock to current hits. We love anything but baby shark. LOL

What has been your favorite trip you’ve taken together?

We went to visit some friends in Cleveland. Christie had something so beautiful and special planned. She took me to Squires Castle (because I am a princess) and while a wedding was being set up for complete strangers I was proposed to like something from a fairy tale.

Every year we like to visit the OBX. This has been a place that Christie has visited with her family for years. The first time she took me I not only fell in love but felt home. The peace and serenity is something you can only understand if you have experienced it yourself.

What trips do you want to take in the future?

I would love to go to Australia to love and take selfies with the quokkas or even Ireland as I believe it has to be as beautiful as the photos.

Christie would love to visit the Maldives because of the seclusion and clear water.

Fun fact about us

When we met Christie lived alone. When I moved in with her she gained a very spoiled chihuahua, Lil Wayne and an adult Aries twin. (My 18 year old daughter Alyssa) We then adopted a very high maintenance and entitled sphinx Hattie Lou. Shortly after, Hatties sister needed a home so, Miss Scarlett No’haira was offered a trial run in our family that has lasted about 4 years now. After our family became legal we gained a blessing of a turdler toddler, King A’mere who instantly won us over and now runs the household under the spell and charm of his cuteness. After many, many, many….. pleads and begging we completed our family with the most beautiful, derpy labradoodle Mr. Oakley. This is how a table of 1 became the table of 8.

What is something that is on your bucket list as a couple?

I have dreams of opening my own high class petting zoo where the animals are so spoiled and loved with the best life they could have with alpacas and goats sporting Gucci sweaters. Christie laughs at this idea but I think it would be fabulous! She would like to fulfill her dreams of being a fitness instructor. She has been pushing me to put my talents to use and write books for children. But over all we have goals to become a power couple becoming financially stable to where we can not only travel but own our own vacation beach home to get away whenever we desire.

We are the definition of opposites attract and the differences just bring so much entertainment, laughter and memories that will be sure to last a lifetime.

The only way to describe our story is Perfectly Imperfect.

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At Lesmon Experience, our mission is to create safe, inclusive, and empowering travel experiences for LGBTQ+ women worldwide. We are dedicated to designing culturally enriching trips in collaboration with our local suppliers. Our goal is to celebrate diversity, foster meaningful connections, and promote positive social change through every journey we create. Through our commitment to sustainability, authenticity, and community engagement, we strive to be a trusted ally and advocate for LGBTQ+ women travelers, empowering them to explore the world with pride and confidence.