Lesbian family traveling

Family Adventures: A Guide for LGBTQ Women Traveling with Children

Select a Friendly Destination

Research Destinations: Look for places that are inclusive and welcoming to the LGBTQ community. If you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, consider having your trip planned by an agency specialized in the LGBTQ community and specifically for women.  Lesmon Experience can do it for you.

Adapt the Trip: Choose a destination that you are passionate about, then assess if it is suitable for children. Avoid the easy route of only visiting theme parks; seek authentic experiences that nurture children’s development and creativity, such as family cooking classes or lantern workshops.

Organization and Planning

Trip Duration: Decide on the duration of your trip. Starting with a short family getaway can be a great option, especially if it’s your first time traveling with children. Consider starting with 2 or 3 nights to disconnect and try before longer trips.

Lesbian family traveling. Words: Organization and Planning

Airport and Flight: You’ll want to be sure your children adapt well to airports and flights. Bring entertainment, books, and guides to share the excitement of the trip. Encourage family communication and minimize the use of electronic devices.

Practical Aspects

Documentation: Check the entry requirements for the country you are visiting, including visas and passports for all family members if traveling internationally.

Luggage: Pack essential documents, medications, appropriate clothing, sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, coats, gloves, and scarves.

Travel Insurance: Ensure that your insurance covers the entire family, including medical coverage, trip cancellation, and lost luggage coverage.

Unforgettable Experiences

Explore Local Culture: Immerse yourself in the culture of the destination. Try local food (don’t use those popular fast food chains that you find anywhere, you know what we mean), visit markets and meet local people, remember that children are very sociable and make friends quickly.

Activities for Children: Research activities suitable for all ages, such as interactive museums, natural parks, and workshops.

Create Memories: There is no doubt that you will bring a camera to capture special moments, but we encourage you to write a travel diary together at the end of the day, where you can narrate your experiences in text, then at home you can continue the trip by taking some photographs . That will be the best souvenir!

Flexibility and Fun

Flexibility: Allow for free time for children to play and have fun.

Expectation Management: Do yourself a big favor so that you do not stress, do not try to see and visit everything, it is really difficult and can generate conflicts in the family environment. Enjoy the trip at your own pace.

The couple: You have managed to plan and take this family trip, good, but you must also take care of the relationship. Consider a babysitting service at the hotel so that while the children are having fun or resting, you can have your romantic evening.

Remember that every family is unique, and the most important thing is to enjoy the trip together. Happy adventures! 🌈 ✈️

Dreaming of Barcelona?

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At Lesmon Experience, our mission is to create safe, inclusive, and empowering travel experiences for LGBTQ+ women worldwide. We are dedicated to designing culturally enriching trips in collaboration with our local suppliers. Our goal is to celebrate diversity, foster meaningful connections, and promote positive social change through every journey we create. Through our commitment to sustainability, authenticity, and community engagement, we strive to be a trusted ally and advocate for LGBTQ+ women travelers, empowering them to explore the world with pride and confidence.