The Pineapple of Love – The New Dating Trend in the Supermarket in Spain

In Spain, a fun new trend is revolutionizing the way people look for love. Gone are the days of dating apps and long online conversations. Now, the flirting scene has moved to a place you would never have imagined: the supermarket! And the key object of this movement? A pineapple. Yes, you read that right. This tropical fruit has gone from being simply a delicious ingredient for cocktails and desserts to becoming the unofficial symbol of singles looking for a date.

A Brief History of the Pineapple as a Symbol

For centuries, pineapples have symbolized hospitality and welcome. In colonial times, sailors would return from their voyages with pineapples as prized treasures. Displaying a pineapple at home was a symbol of wealth and luxury, as the fruit was rare and expensive. Over time, pineapples began to decorate the entrances of homes and were carved into bedposts, staircase railings, and other furniture, always representing warmth, friendship, and hospitality.

Interestingly, in America, where pineapples were more common, they became a sign of welcome for travelers. If you landed somewhere and saw a pineapple on a door, you knew that the people there would provide food and lodging. Even today, some colonial buildings display pineapples carved into façades or as sculptures in gardens and fountains, symbolizing abundance and hospitality.

The Upside-Down Twist: Its Other Meanings

Fast forward to today, where an upside-down pineapple has taken on a slightly spicier meaning. While a right-side-up pineapple still symbolizes welcome and hospitality, when flipped upside down, it becomes a discreet nod to the swinging lifestyle. This consensual lifestyle, where couples engage in recreational activities with other couples or individuals, has adopted the upside-down pineapple as a quiet symbol of belonging to this “exclusive club.”

So, if you come across an upside-down pineapple at someone’s house, it might be more than just an invitation for dinner. It’s fascinating how a fruit that once symbolized warmth and hospitality has evolved to also be a sign of… well, hospitality of a different kind. Not bad for a simple fruit, right?

In Spain, though, the pineapple has taken on a new viral meaning.

The Pineapple of Love: How Does It Work?

The trend began on social media, where someone suggested that carrying a pineapple in your shopping cart, in a very visible way and upside down, and most importantly, during a specific time of day, was a discreet way to indicate that you were available and open to meeting people. Apparently, the pineapple is now also a flirty wink to potential romantic interests.

So, if you go to a Spanish supermarket and see someone strolling around with a well-placed upside-down pineapple, it might be time to smile and approach them. It’s not as aggressive a move as in a nightclub, nor as impersonal as a “swipe” on Bumble, Tinder, or HER, but it seems the supermarket has become the new bar for modern singles. The key is subtlety: you’re not shouting that you’re looking for someone, but you’re not hiding it either. According to the rules of supermarket romance, if you like someone with an upside-down pineapple in their cart, you should gently bump your cart into theirs, and maybe, why not, flash a cheeky smile.

Trend Details and Curiosities:

  1. Favorite Supermarkets: Major chains are already seeing an increase in customers “hooking up” with pineapples in their carts. Some have even started calling it “love in the fruit section!”
  2. Codes and Signals: Carrying the pineapple right-side-up? Maybe you’re in a relationship or just buying a pineapple without any other intention. Upside-down? You’re available, but remember, it must be between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Singles who have joined this trend search for potential partners with very specific signals: they place an upside-down pineapple in their shopping cart and later bump it into someone else’s cart, hoping to spark a romantic connection.
  1. Virality: Like everything in today’s world, this trend has gone viral on TikTok and Instagram. People from all over Spain are trying their luck with this peculiar method. There are videos of people “finding love” next to the pineapple shelf, while others are simply having fun with the idea.
  2. A Natural Way to Connect: Unlike online dating, where there are often filters, edited photos, and carefully curated profiles, the “supermarket date” is completely genuine. If you meet someone in the dairy section, chances are they’re just being their true self, as they are in everyday life.
  3. Simple Conversations: “Do you know the best way to cut a pineapple?” might become the new pick-up line in the supermarket. The fruit is not only a sign that you’re available but also a fantastic icebreaker.
  4. Other Strategies for LGBTQ Women: If you’re a single LGBTQ woman and your personal radar is a little outdated, it’s simple and here’s how: If you’re looking for something romantic, place a book and a box of chocolates next to the pineapple (important, remember it should be upside down). If you’re looking for something more casual, add a bottle of white wine next to the pineapple.

Works in Bookstores, too!

For LGBTQ women, an interesting variation emerged in the shelves of the famous Fnac bookstore chain (equivalent to Barnes & Noble in the US). Here, the technique involves heading to the section of books written by women or the LGBTQ section, choosing a book, and sitting down to browse it between 6 pm and 7 pm, similar to “pineapple hour.” The trick is to make the book’s cover visible and occasionally look up. If you see that special girl who catches your eye, write a note on a post-it and place it inside the book. Then, return the book to the shelf, but make sure it sticks out a little so it’s easy to spot. Now, you just have to wait for her to pick up the book with your message. If you see someone head straight for the book and flip through it quickly, she knows what she’s looking for—your note! So, be original if you want to grab her attention.

The pineapple has undoubtedly become the new cupid of supermarkets in Spain. Let’s hope stores can stock up their fruit sections to meet the demand from all the singles eager to find the new fruit of passion. This ingenious and spontaneous movement has added a fresh twist to how people meet. So, the next time you go grocery shopping and spot someone with a pineapple, you know what to do: go over and say “hi”! Who knows, maybe you’ll find love in the produce aisle. But remember, if you want to avoid misunderstandings, keep in mind that an upside-down pineapple can sometimes mean something a little spicier!

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