Courtney & Sabrina, Lesbian Love Story ❤️

In this week’s Lesbian Love Story interview, we introduce Courtney and Sabrina:

In the heart of California, we find Courtney and Sabrina, who celebrate a decade of love, complicity, and friendship, marked by seven years of marriage and five years as mothers of triplets. Courtney has been dedicated full-time to her beautiful family as a stay-at-home mother (SAHM) since the arrival of the triplets, leaving behind 15 years in the healthcare field as a national clinical educator before embarking on her journey as a full-time mother. Meanwhile, Sabrina, a California state legislator, exudes passion and commitment in her fight for reproductive rights, climate change, and the prosperity of working families.

Through their story, you will discover a unique blend of strength, determination, and unwavering love. Join Courtney and Sabrina on their journey toward motherhood, equality, and adventure, where each step is a reminder that together, they are capable of overcoming any obstacle and creating a brighter future for all.

Names & Pronouns

Courtney — she/her they/them
Sabrina — she/her

Who are Courtney and Sabrina?

I’m Courtney, and I’m 39 years old, and my partner Sabrina is 36. We live in Southern California, and this year we’ll be celebrating 10 years together, including 7 years of marriage and 5 years of parenthood.

About me? I currently stay at home mother (SAHM) to take care of our toddler triplets. Prior to this, I had a 15-year career in healthcare, specializing in Interventional Radiology, Cardiac Cath Lab, and Vascular procedures. Before stepping away from my career, I served as the National Clinical Educator for a leading imaging company in the USA.

And I am Sabrina, a California State Legislator, representing over 500,000 constituents at the State Capitol. My focus is on creating legislation and promoting positive change for our region. This includes advocating for reproductive rights, combating climate change, improving air quality, and fostering the creation of well-paying jobs for working families in our community.

LESMON: Here we go, two women with determination and conviction.

We're all fans of love stories, and we're eager to hear yours. Would you be willing to tell us about the beginning of your journey together? We're curious to know how you two first crossed paths, how many years you've spent together, and who made the first romantic gesture?

Courtney: I was born and raised in Ohio, and Sabrina in California, so how did our paths cross exactly? Well, I was traveling for work and simply ended up with an assignment in Palm Springs, CA. It so happened that Sabrina’s (now also Courtney’s-although Courtney shares her with Sabrina) best friend lived in the apartment complex I was staying in during my assignment. I saw Jay (Sabrina’s best friend) walking her dog outside on the street, then she walked into a home with a Pride flag-which was great for me because I didn’t know anyone in California.

The next time I saw Jay, she introduced herself, and we became fast friends. A few months later, Jay told me she had a friend, Sabrina, that she thought I would get along well with, so she planned time for us all to hang out.

And it was really great, the night was amazing, with us all hanging out and making plans to go out dancing the next night. So that’s how it all started between us, after dancing the night away 10 years ago, this is our life now, we are living the life we both knew was possible but never imagined it would be this great.

The first romantic gesture – it was Sabrina – although she may try to tell a different story. Sabrina will say that I made the first move by “seducing / luring” her with my dance moves; However, Sabrina was the one to pull me in while dancing for a kiss.

A funny story about our best friend Jay – neither one of us knew she secretly set us up until she spoke on the night of our wedding. Her intentions all along were to get her 2 best friends hooked up-AND IT WORKED! We are forever grateful to Jay for secretly setting us up because she knew if she mentioned a blind date, neither one of us would have agreed.

LESMON: Friends are truly blessings, but your dear Jay, good job as a matchmaker, you had a good view. 😉

So you are married

Sabrina: Yes, we are married and will celebrate our 7th year wedding anniversary this November. Through all of life’s ups and downs it’s much easier when you are sharing/spending the rest of your life with your best friend and complimenting missing piece.

Would you mind sharing with us who proposed and how was that proposal?

Courtney: I proposed to Sabrina in Savannah, GA back in June 2016. As a biracial woman with Black and White heritage, I have often felt uncertain about acceptance, particularly from one side of my family. Therefore, it was crucial for me to ensure that Sabrina’s family would welcome our marriage. Before asking the question, I had a conversation with her family, including her parents and three younger sisters. They were all excited about the proposal and the prospect of our families joining together.


After seeing how happy our families were about it, for us Savannah held a special significance for us—it was where our romantic journey officially began. Just two weeks after meeting Sabrina, I had a work assignment in Atlanta, GA. She came to visit me there, and we decided to spend a weekend in Savannah, making things official between us.

So, knowing that, I planned a special weekend getaway in Savannah for the proposal. We went to dinner and enjoyed drinks together, and then I suggested we take a leisurely stroll. There was a horse and carriage waiting for us at one of the squares, and we explored the town as our guide shared stories about its history, squares, and fountains. When we reached a fountain known as the “fountain of love,” our guide suggested we hop out for some photos. While Sabrina was admiring the fountain and I was taking photos of her, I took the opportunity to pull out her ring. As she turned around, I asked her to marry me. Sabrina’s response? A simple “baby”—a moment that still brings laughter to our family, as she didn’t officially say “yes” despite us being happily married now.

LESMON: Really, Sabrina? Just baby… with such a romantic proposal, I’m sure you couldn’t say a word… lol

Following your wedding, the icing on the cake is undoubtedly the honeymoon. We're intrigued to hear about your honeymoon experience. Where did you choose to go, and what led you to select that destination? Was it a mutual decision from the outset?

Sabrina: Not having done much international travel before getting married, we wrote down the top 3 places we would like to travel to for our honeymoon. We did a lot of research on the opinions of LGBTQ+ couples and finally decided to travel to Spain. We visited Barcelona, Madrid, and Valencia while we were in Spain and the truth is, it was a good choice. We liked the good vibes, the acceptance, the food, and the cava so much that years later we decided to visit Barcelona and Madrid again with our triplets.

Courtney & Sabrina with the triplets outside La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

LESMON: Touche women, you know I’m from Barcelona, right? It makes me happy to know that your honeymoon was in Spain and that you felt welcomed, that you ate well and that you enjoyed the cava. It seems that you liked it so much that you came back again with the triplets.  On the next trip I will show you other places near Barcelona that will impress you!

Talking about trips, have you ever embarked on a solo journey? If so, at what age did you venture out alone, where did you go, and what was the experience like for you?

Courtney – The only solo travel I have done has been primarily for work – traveling throughout the USA and to Paris.

Sabrina – My only solo travel is for work, weekly back and forth between Northern and Southern California.

And now, a pivotal moment in your lives was when you decided to start a family together, which undoubtedly has completely changed your lives. Would you be willing to share your story with us?.

Courtney: Deciding who was going to have our children was an easy decision for us because Sabrina always aspired to get pregnant and have a child; I, on the other hand, never desired pregnancy. When she was young and as she grew up, I always told my mother that I would adopt children in the future, and that is exactly what ended up happening.

Sabrina: Courtney is recognized as a mother and she signed the triplets’ birth certificates in California, but she underwent stepparent adoption to legalize their paternity, and I underwent an IUI with an anonymous donor. We selected a donor who closely resembled Courtney in physical appearance, personality, and heritage. Now, with our beautiful 4-year-old triplets, we are thrilled with our choice of donor.

Courtney: The truth is, the journey to motherhood was long. Sabrina underwent a total of 8 IUIs before achieving a viable pregnancy. She became pregnant on the second IUI, but unfortunately, it ended in miscarriage. Subsequent attempts from the 3rd to the 7th IUI were unsuccessful. After much discussion, we decided that the 8th IUI would be our last attempt. If unsuccessful, we agreed to explore other options.

Then, around the sixth week of pregnancy, Sabrina began experiencing symptoms similar to her previous miscarriage. We were advised to go to the hospital for evaluation, where we received the exciting, incredible, and wonderful news: she was pregnant with triplets.

Sabrina: Throughout the entire journey, Courtney’s intuition told her that we were having twins. So, when we learned we were having triplets, we welcomed it as an additional blessing.

LESMON: These guys had to wait, they thought a lot before wanting to land on this planet called earth! but your love, perseverance and desire to be mothers was able to overcome the difficulties. “Wanting is power” is a saying in Spain.


Intrauterine insemination (IUI), also known as donor insemination or artificial insemination, is a fertility treatment that involves placing sperm cells directly into the uterus during ovulation. This process aims to facilitate fertilization by reducing the distance sperm must travel to reach the egg, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception.

Before undergoing the insemination procedure, individuals may receive fertility medications to stimulate ovulation. Semen is then collected from either the partner or a donor and undergoes a process known as "sperm washing" to extract a concentrated amount of healthy sperm.

The concentrated sperm is then carefully introduced into the uterus by a medical professional. Pregnancy occurs if a sperm successfully fertilizes the egg and the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine lining.

IUI is considered a simple and low-tech fertility treatment option, often more affordable than other methods. While it can enhance the chances of pregnancy, the effectiveness of IUI varies depending on individual factors, and success is not guaranteed for everyone.

Something I'm sure is a big change in your travel style. So, what is it like to travel with triplets as a lesbian couple? What are some important factors you take into account when planning family vacations, and how do you ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for your family?

Sabrina: Traveling with children can be challenging, and traveling with triplets certainly presents its own set of challenges. However, it hasn’t hindered our ability to travel. Our usual approach involves researching destinations extensively through reviews, blogs, social media, and other sources before making a decision. We prioritize destinations that are LGBTQ and/or family-friendly, ensuring both safety and positive experiences for our family.

Have you experienced any instances of discrimination or discomfort while traveling as a same-sex couple with triplets? If so, how do you handle such situations?

Courtney: We have been fortunate not to encounter any discrimination while traveling as a same-sex family with triplets. We attribute this to our thorough research before selecting destinations, ensuring they are accepting of LGBTQ+ couples and provide a child-friendly environment.

What role do family trips play in strengthening your bond as a couple and as a family?

Sabrina: Annual family trips are something we eagerly anticipate each year. It’s a chance to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life—work, school, playdates, and the like—and truly unwind, spending intentional time together creating cherished family memories. These trips provide uninterrupted moments for us to immerse ourselves in the culture of our destination. As we didn’t travel much as children ourselves, it’s important for us to instill in our own children a love for and experience of travel.

Looking ahead, what are some travel goals or destinations you hope to explore with your triplets in the future?

Courtney: We look forward to traveling as much as we can as a family to immerse our children into all the beauty and diversity there is throughout the world. We would love to travel to Greece, Iceland, Australia, Japan – just to name a few destinations. 

LESMON: You are a traveling family, it seems that your passport is always up to date!

Can you tell us an adventure or experience (positive, please) that you will never forget from a trip? where did it happen?

​Courtney: Throughout our family travels in Spain – Barcelona and Madrid, we received positive interactions and experiences throughout our entire time there. They were very accommodating and patient with our family – they were sure to make sure the kids received their food and drinks first and that they were comfortable. This experience is one we will always remember because of the positivity and friendly vibes our family and triplets received.


With the final approval of the law on July 2, 2005, Spain became the third country in the world to legalize homosexual marriage after the Netherlands and Belgium; Canada would do so a few days later.

Spain, world leader in defense of LGBTQ+ rights

It is the country that most supports the idea of LGBTQ+ people openly showing their sexual orientation and affection in public. Spaniards are in third place with the most citizens in favor of homosexual marriage and who most strongly support their right to adoption. 7 out of 10 support having athletes who are openly homosexual in sport, placing Spain as the leader in the global ranking. Spain is the only country that shows a majority of the population in favor of transgender athletes participating in the category of the gender with which they identify.

Can you share any tips or strategies for traveling with multiple children, especially when it comes to logistics like packing and transportation?

Sabrina: Kids are unpredictable, especially when traveling internationally – so we are always sure to have their favorite pajamas and any night time most; at the very least we want to make sure our kids have a piece of comfort when in a new destination. We try to stay in an Airbnb that has the capabilities to do laundry so we can pack less clothing. We love our triplet stroller Zoe – very lightweight and compact. We are a walking family once we reach our destination, we walk 10+ miles a day while traveling.  So, we generally arrange transportation with car seats to/from the airport to lessen the amount of items we have to take with us. 

LESMON: You have everything very well organized and you really make stress-free trips much easier for the children.

How do you ensure that your family trips are inclusive and enjoyable for everyone, considering different interests?

Sabrina: Since our kids are still little, we are sure to always put in time to find a local park for the kid to run around and play. The benefit of having triplets is that they all have the same age appropriate interests. 

What are some important factors you consider when choosing a destination for your family vacations?

Courtney: Safety, crime rates, kid-friendly, LGBTQ+ acceptance and safety. 


Courtney & Sabrina with the triplets at the Louvre in Paris

What advice would you give to other same-sex couples considering parenthood, particularly those interested in having children?

Sabrina: Everyone’s journey to parenthood looks different, don’t give up hope if things get challenging – we know how difficult it can be but there is so much beauty once you become a parent. There are many different ways to become a parent, if your first path doesn’t work, know there are many other paths to get you to parenthood. You have a large community supporting and rooting for you. You can always feel free to reach out to us too – we want to be an inspiration during your journey to know you are not alone. While we don’t know exactly how you feel, we understand the amount of doubt, hurt and pain that can come with trying to grow your family.

LESMON: It is so important to really create community and be able to support each other in a world that sometimes has so much information, but little closeness. 

We are going to leave our readers your contacts so that they can follow you and get in touch if anyone needs your advice or is looking for support.


Have you ever traveled with an agency specialized in travel for LGBTQ women including, organized trips for lesbian families, such as Lesmon Experience?

​Sabrina: No, we have never been on organized trips for lesbian families, but we would absolutely love to travel on specific trips with other LGBTQ+ families.

LESMON: Soon we will announce the first trips in small groups for family trips, stay tuned or you can sign up for the newsletter to be the first to receive the information and special discounts for subscribers.

Finally, the last question, girls. What advice would you give to other lesbian couples who are planning to travel with their children for the first time?

Courtney: Give yourself grace. Family travel is about creating positive experiences and lifelong memories. Know that things may not go exactly as you planned and that’s fine. One of the most challenging things for us while traveling internationally is the difference in food and snacks for our children; while our triplets will try most foods, they are particular about their snacks, so we are sure to pack plenty of their favorite snacks to get them through the duration of the trip. We are also sure to bring plenty of activities for the flight as well – no mess water activity books, crayons and coloring books, magnolites, iPad with downloaded movies, and noise canceling headphones. Takeoff and landing are often the hardest for kids so we are intentional about having a movie on their iPad and headphones on with both – also give the kids snacks and/or to help with ear pressure changes – the chewing motion helps normalize.

LESMON: Courtney, Sabrina, thank you so much for spending this time with us, we really appreciate it, we know how difficult it can be to find the balance for everything, the house, the work, the kids… Thank you for sharing your love story with us and all your experience until you reach the motherhood of these 3 wonderful triplets.

Dreaming of Barcelona?

Subscribe to our newsletter and you’ll receive our exclusive publication: The Lesbian’s Guide to Barcelona. Written by Montse, our Barcelona native, this guide is packed with insider tips, must-see attractions, and the best LGBTQ-friendly spots in Barcelona. 

Get your guide here!

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At Lesmon Experience, our mission is to create safe, inclusive, and empowering travel experiences for LGBTQ+ women worldwide. We are dedicated to designing culturally enriching trips in collaboration with our local suppliers. Our goal is to celebrate diversity, foster meaningful connections, and promote positive social change through every journey we create. Through our commitment to sustainability, authenticity, and community engagement, we strive to be a trusted ally and advocate for LGBTQ+ women travelers, empowering them to explore the world with pride and confidence.